Friday, May 6

may brings florals

May brings florals! and spring showers... We have one month until June and I have to get out my binoculars to see if the sun is coming any time soon here in Maine. I want to celebrate making it to 150 pieces in my shop! My goal is 200 pieces listed by June so I have to get on working! I found these adorable chic floral 80s heels thrifting last week and was so excited to post them up. Also this extremely 80's floral romper! Lots of flower patterns in style this year!

I also put together a treasury with a floral theme : check it out!

I will be participating in a Clothing Swap as Chic Origins on saturday the 21st. It is the first Portland Swap so far and lots of people will be showing up. For more details and information on the swap check it out here : SWAPMAINE . They have created their own blog for updates and such. A group of bloggers and fashionistas from Portland came up with the idea and pulled it all together and their all so creative! If your interested in going to the Swap let me know and we can carpool together.

I was also featured in the Portland Forefront Fashion Blog : check it here.